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VDR European Curriculum

The Visual Disabilities Rehabilitator (VDR) European Curriculum is one of the main outcomes of the oMERO project.

oMERO VDR Curriculum is based on the Professional Profile (PP) delivered as Intellectual Output 1 in April 2021. The PP refer to EQF principles and descriptors in order to be compliant with the appropriate EQF level (EQF7) and identifies and describes the main Key Activities of the professional, defined as:

“an integrated group of professional competences, which are in their entirety necessary to perform a task relevant to the job profile”.

They will cover all the activities for the performance of the profession, regardless of its application context.

VDR Curriculum Main Characteristics

The VDR EU Curriculum delivered through this document includes 89 Learning Outcomes grouped into 17 Units of Learning Outcomes.

9 UoLs are defined as “core units”, since they target competences which are specific to the VDR, while other 8 units are defined as “cross-cutting” since they target competences which are “transversal” to other professionals.

The image provide an overview of the Unit of Learning Outcomes (UoLs) groups. Starting from the 9 UoL, representing the core units and the two cross-cutting "vision health and healthcare policy" and "oommunication, spacial education, team working, research, ethics, monitoring and scheduling.

A summary version, with the main structure and content of the VDR European Curriculum (first release) can be downloaded here.