This is a map of of the Strategic Partnership of the oMERO project. It is a map of Europe in which the partner countries of the oMERO project are circled.
The oMERO project Strategic Partnership is composed of 8 full-partners from 5 EU Countries (Italy, Sweden, France, Lithuania and Ireland) and one International Associated Partner (ICEVI). The Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are 5, with high skills in the sector joined the partnership. 4 of them committed to implement HE courses based on the oMERO Curriculum after the end of the project.
The oMERO project parterns are: Istituto David Chiossone per i Ciechi e gli Ipovedenti Onlus (Italy), Università degli Studi di Genova (Italy), Mutualité Française Paca Ssam (France), Lietuvos Sveikatos Mokslu Universitetas (Lithuania), Si4life – Scienza e Impresa Insieme per Migliorare la Qualita’ della Vita Scrl (Italy), The Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars & The Other Members Of Board Of The College Of The Holy & Undivided Trinity Of Queen Elizabeth Near Dublin (Ireland), Umea Universitet (Sweden) and Université Côte D’Azur (France).
David Chiossone Foundation coordinate the oMERO project. The Foundation is a service provider representing the market demand with an high experience in VDR training.
The Strategic Partnership will persist even after the end of the project, strengthening the collaboration between higher education, research and business.